Oh and I'm not talk break dancing.
I'm talking about controlling switches (aka turnouts), pictured below.
So old school model train people are hooked on these things called Tortoises
The new school is moving to Servo's.
So what's the difference?
Well, it cost me 2.49 cents for 1 servo made in China, shipped from Hong Kong. A tortoise costs about $15-20. Of course both require something to control them via the DCC control bus. Either way its about 6 bucks per switch. So my cost per remote controlled switch is roughly $9 using servo's, vs $24.
My question is why on earth would anyone use the old ways anymore? I've noticed that most of the guys doing MR are very very very very very conservative. There's some great wars on the forums when people bring up the future. Its a hoot listening to the old curmudgeons arguing that they 'don't need no new fangled devices' 'DC is still the best, 'cause why would you want to control more than 1 engine? crazy young whippersnappers'
Couple of the 50 servo's I got from Hong Kong. I'll put another post up on how I'm controlling them and the products I decided to use.
Now I'm off to perfect my moonwalk.
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