Here are my steps -
Roadbed work
- glue down roadbed (using the clear caulk)
- use a can of soup or whatever - I'm partial to a tuna can, classier I think - to roll the roadbed flat in the glue
- let it dry for a while with weights (same cans of course!)
- get the small track connectors ready - meaning that they can go onto the track tightly. I'm using the ME code 55 connectors and they're really tight, so much so that they require a bit of 'work in' before they'll go on.
- Weather the switches if they're in visible ares. I'm using the ME weathering solution. The flex track is already weathered.
- solder tracks together if its a big curve, or just a long stretch.
- fit all the pieces together, work the curves, make sure the ties are evened out after all the bending and such
- move everything out of the way, put down a thin layer of caulk.
- connect the track to the existing sections, make sure everything is ok, then put weights on the new gluing areas.
So Saturday and Sunday I managed to get the Fergus industrial spurs complete.
I also fixed up some track issues on the main line, put in some more electrical feeders.